DRES Online Panel Series 2 on "Ecosystem-based approach to Disaster Risk Reduction" (Eco-DRR) and Environmental Sustainability: Socio-ecological Resilience from Forest Biodiversity in Indonesia and Thailand"

We cordially invite you to attend the DRES Online Panel Series 2 on "Ecosystem-based approach to Disaster Risk Reduction" (Eco-DRR) and Environmental Sustainability: Socio-ecological Resilience from Forest Biodiversity in Indonesia and Thailand" on 13 September 2023 at 1 pm onwards.

Three panelists will be invited to contextualize the mainstreaming of Eco-DRR and Environmental Sustainability from a case study in Indonesia and Thailand.

To join, please scan the QR code or fill in the Google form below:
Save the date and join us!

Thank you very much!

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